We have different packages in which you can hire a nurse according to specialization and the time of day they are required to work. We also offer a live in option. The services entailed are:
Helping with activities of daily living i.e. bathing, dressing, toileting.
Turning, pressure area care and repositioning of client.
Assisting in feeding orally, via G Tube or NGT (Nasogastric Tube).
Administration of medication as prescribed.
Palliative care.
Being a companion to doctor visits and psychological support.
Urine catheter change and bladder care.
Wound, ileostomy, colotomy care.
When sick or in need we come to your home and provide any of the following services;
Administration of medication and IV fluids as prescribed.
Wound Care.
Insertion/ change of NGT (Nasogastric Tube) and urine catheter.
Performing vital signs and general body examinations.
We provide at home antenatal checkups and post natal checkups and care including family planning services.